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17 de mayo de 2013

Forgot or Lost your DV Lottery (American green card Lottery) confirmation number? Here is how to get it!!

If you lost or misplaced your Diversity Lottery confirmation number, that you received when you did your application on line either for the DV- 2013 or for the DV-2014, and have not been able to verify if you were selected among the millions that participated in this process last year,  starting this year the department of state, have made available for all applicants a way to retrieve on line, their confirmation number, and verify at the same time if they were selected or not for further processing and be able to obtain later their green cards
In order to complete this process you will only need some personal information such as the last name, first name and middle name used in the original application, your complete date of birth, and the email address used when registering in the process, either last October -November 2012 (for DV 2014) or last October-November 2011 (for DV-2013)

Once you have your personal information,  proceed to enter the website of the  Department of State ,  after you enter click where it says Continue  and the page that its shown bellow will display, Go ahead and click the text that says FORGOT CONFIRMATION NUMBER (on the original screen will display in blue, in the screen below I put it in  yellow for identification purposes.

After selecting the option FORGOT YOUR CONFIRMATION NUMBER, a new screen will display, where you will be required to enter your personal information exactly as it was entered when applying or registering for the DV lottery, after including your information, enter the authentication code located at bottom of the screen and click SUBMIT, make sure before introducing your data, to select the correct DV process, either DV 2013  or DV 2014 ( May 1st 2013 selection process) 

Once all data have been entered, and clicking SUBMIT another screen will display (see below), showing your original confirmation number, your last name , and year of birth, as entered in your original application

It s important to write down , copy or print this screen with your confirmation number, in case you need it in the future, either for dowloading your interview notification letter, in case your are selected, or to do a second selection verification, in case the department of state anounces new selections for DV-2014 applicants, in the new future,  as it happened during DV-2013.
After printing, copying or writing down your confirmation number (be careful not to mix "i" with "l" or "O" with "0", type the authentication code at the bottom and click SUBMIT
 6. At this stage you should be able to get a new screen with a message saying either  YOU HAVE NOT BEEN SELECTED, or  YOU HAVE BEEN SELECTED, in which case you need to follow the instructions shown on the screen.

Good luck!!

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